Enterprise Resource Planning

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Enterprise Resource Planning tools are designed to integrate purchasing, financial, budgetary, human resources and other enterprise-wide business functions in an organization. Many public and private organizations are considering or are in the process of implementing some form of an ERP.

ERP Integration Assessment involves the examination of an organization to test its readiness prior to the integration of an ERP system. The purpose of the assessment is to raise awareness of what it will take to get the organization fully prepared to accept and successfully integrate the ERP tool. PME has the capability and experience of conducting such assessments.

PME also has the capability and experience to facilitate the integration of ERP systems. We often serve in the capacity of communicating between ERP technical personnel and the ultimate end-users of the system. This approach ensures a smoother transition to a new and complex system. → See an example

Contact Information

Telephone : (202) 236-1182
Email: info@practical-me.com

Registration Info

CAGE #: 5ZR16
DUNS #: 962414731
COMAR SB #: SB12-2625

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